Summertime August 2023

Walk in the Light of Easter – April 2023 newsletter with diary for April and May

At the heart of our community of faith is the journey to the Cross and then the empty tomb of Easter Day. This is a journey of love and forgiveness – each year we are invited to share that journey

Share the sign of Life with an Easter Egg For the last few years  we have invited you and your communities to join us in collecting Easter Eggs to share with those who are supported by the Roberts Centre. Most years we have collected and shared over 700 eggs! We are sure that this year…

As the sounds of the Parish Panto fade away for
another year, and as the signs of Spring begin to
appear around us we turn our hearts and minds
towards Lent and the journey to Easter.

If you were not able to come and visit the Museum of the Moon (20,135 people came through the doors!) at St Mary’s then you missed what was described by many as an amazing sight. The most commonly heard response by those who stood at the door welcoming people was ‘Wow!’.

November is traditionally a month for remembering the
events of the past and those who have died whose
memories we treasure. This year this season has an added poignancy as we move towards the final act of
worship at St Wilfrid’s Church.

October 2018 Saint Wilfrid’s News The last month has seen the moving of the World War 1 items in the Church into the Lounge so that more members of the local community can see them. They are also an important reminder as we approach the centenary of the Armistice of the ‘local’ impact of the…

October 2018 Saint Faith’s News I am writing this after September’s successful Coffee Morning; it was a joy to see the Barnabas Room buzzing with people chatting and laughing! Refreshments were so busy that an emergency dash to the shops was needed to stock up! The morning marked the beginning of our Patronal celebrations. It…

October 2018 Saint Mary’s News The Church noticeboard outside the ‘welcome area for children’ is a good indicator of the ‘temperature’ of the year – not in terms of heat, but activity! The start of September saw the whole board filled with the posters for forthcoming events … and as the month has progressed, these…

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