I bring you greetings from the Western border of Saint Mary’s parish – and glad tidings that the new Saint Faith’s Ministry Team was indeed commissioned on 3rd September. You might think that the “ministry team” is Rev’d Sue, Rev’d Barbara, Rev’d Jenny (Wiltshire) and Reader, Jenny (Stemp). In one sense, you’d be right. However, as our Archdeacon, the Venerable Joanne Grenfell, reminded us at the service, all baptised Christians are called to ministry in Christ’s name. We look forward to continuing to serve God and the community of Landport together.

The service was blessed with wonderful music, fine comic timing (although the Archdeacon rather stole the Vicar’s thunder with an early joke about the closing of the “transfer window”), and great fellowship. At the heart of it all was the chance to celebrate being members together of the Body of Christ. We were grateful for the love and support of all those who joined in this special service, and those who sent us messages or supported us in other ways.

And so, as with the rest of the parish, Saint Faith’s has hit the ground running at the start of the new term, and is full steam ahead, if you’ll pardon a mixed metaphor. We’re particularly looking forward to welcoming Uniformed Groups and Arundel Court Primary Academy for their Harvest celebrations, and we are fully embracing all things teddy bearish this season as part of the “Bearing Gifts” theme.

Each of us continues to explore how God is calling us to serve, from our youngest team member (aged 6!) who is learning how to help set up for a service, to those whose rhythm of faithful ministry continues to make Saint Faith’s a warm, welcoming and healing place for all who enter.

Will you seek and serve Christ in all people, loving your neighbour as yourself?

With the help of God, we will.

From the Commitment to Serve Together (3rd September)

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