February 2018
Saint Faith’s News

When Christina Rossetti wrote the words, “In the bleak mid-winter…” she knew exactly the atmosphere she was creating. In one sparse phrase it is all conjured up – the cold, the darkness, the sense of the earth’s resting. Although she was describing December, she could just as well have been referring to these post-Christmas weeks, when the new shoots of spring seem like a long dream away.
As I write this, many of us at Saint Faith’s, like those across the city and around the parish, are sniffling and wheezing our way through the bleak mid-winter. We were sad to say goodbye to Amanda Bullion, whose funeral took place on 12th January. There are other private sadnesses too, along with illness and worry. It would be easy enough to feel a bit low, both individually and collectively.
But that doesn’t take account of the spirit of community that makes us laugh at the little things, sing God’s praises with gusto, or turn out on a cold winter’s night to consider and plan how to be a welcoming and serving presence in the heart of Landport.
Our recent coffee morning showed all this and more – volunteers turning up to help with stands, the enticing aroma of bacon butties and hot drinks wafting from the kitchen, a wonderful sharing of news at the table with the baby clothes, the front door opening every few minutes as we welcomed more visitors. People allowing light and fellowship into their midst, sharing their cares and concerns, and leaving feeling a little bit better, a little bit more connected.
When people are poorly, or feeling a bit low, we offer warmth, encouragement, and space to be. We can’t skip over the bleak mid-winter, but we can light a candle, we can light the church, we can put on the kettle and open the door. Come and see!

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