February 2018
Saint Mary’s News

The February Magazine is always a tricky one to provide material for as we are reflecting on the last 2 months at the Church. Probably the two busiest in terms of events and activities – so rather than a blow by blow account of all that has happened, what follows are a few thoughts and comments that have been made.
First of all in December we welcomed over 7,500 people into the Church for a range of activities and events – from a craft morning to church cleaning; from services for the bereaved to a pre-school nativity; from a full Royal Marines Concert to the Homeless Voucher scheme service. A wonderful reflection of the breadth of the local community and our close and active engagement with them. Also listening to comments of new visitors who spoke of the beauty and wonder of the place and their appreciation of the welcome they received. Others who return year after year spoke powerfully of ‘their church’ and how much they value it being there and all it does. Many positive comments were made about the music at the Bereavement service and Carol Services, and the Midnight Mass was described by one person as ‘so inspiring, uplifting and splendid’. It is impossible to capture the atmosphere that was created at these services, but they clearly moved and encouraged many people.
All of this is only possible because of everyone who was involved. It is true we have a beautiful building, but that can only have the effect it has when it is cared for and used in the way we use it. The care of those who clean and tidy it – under Rosie’s guidance and leadership; the offering of those who arrange flowers and decorate the space; the communications that are clear and efficient, both those we see in the building and those that appear on social media and elsewhere; the warmth of the welcome people receive in the Car Park, at the door, being served refreshments; the quality of the music (and the unseen hours of rehearsal and preparation); the commitment of those who serve, read and lead our intercessions, those who support our children – the list continues and covers many of you! Thank you to everyone who gave of their time and your contribution to making the Church a ‘sacred, inspiring and welcoming place’.
One of the noticeable developments over December was a remarketing of the Shop to support our Fundraising for both the Church and the Music Foundation – thank you to Adrienne, Maggie, Jo, Ian and Rosie for their work in this area. It is hoped that as we move forward this will be an area that continues to develop – if you have any ideas or would like to offer your ‘talents’ then please do talk to them.
Finally, in the midst of all of the celebrations we held two very special funerals for members of our Saint Mary’s community.
The first was for Natalie McCutcheon, who was a regular worshipper – having been confirmed in recent years. Natalie’s faith and strength of character in the face of her illness was an inspiration to us all.
The other was for Vi Burgess, who was another of our long standing members. Vi had been part of the local community and the Church for most of her life (she was in her late 90’s) and although she had not been able to be at Church in recent times, she was a regular and faithful communicant. She had a great gift for gardening and a wonderful sense of humour – even letting Father Bob drive her electric scooter around the Church!
Then just before this article was written we were told of the death of Barbara Salmons. Barbara was the former (and many would say formidable) Tower Captain (following on from her husband). She was also a supporter of the Church at Fairs, bringing trays of African violets to sell.
We give thanks for the distinctive contribution to our life and faith each of these 3 made in their lives and pray they may now rest in peace.

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