The last part of Lent was marked by a number of events which Saint Mary’s was heavily involved in. On March 24th we hosted the presentation of St John’s Gospel by one man. This was a captivating event, and gave much food for thought as we prepared to walk with Christ the way of the cross. Two days later we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation – the Choir sang a special setting of the Mass and it was good to welcome back Father James Buxton – a former curate – as our preacher. It was the start of a busy week – which included the last Royal Marine Concert of the season, Newbridge School’s Easter celebration, and the Choral Union Concert, all at the Church. This was also the week Father Bob, our architect and our surveyor had to make a major presentation to a potential funder for the Tower … we should hear how they got on later in June.

As usual, Holy Week began with the Parish Passover Meal and once more we need to thank Jean Godfrey and her team for arranging an excellent evening – drawing together many members of the Parish at Saint Faith’s. Palm Sunday saw 100 people processing to the Church from Saint Wilfrid’s and some hearty singing made up for the lack of a brass band – the streamers made by 3 Saints also added to the colour of the occasion. The 3 Holy Week addresses by Revd Alex Hughes gave much food for thought and helped us to prepare for the celebration of the ‘Tridium’ (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday). Thanks go to all who contributed to these services – not least the Choir – which many have said they found moving and beautiful. One of the highlights was the reflections on ‘hands’ led by the young people at Noon on Good Friday – a thought-provoking and powerful look at those who used their hands on the first Good Friday. Also thanks to the team who turned out on Holy Saturday to prepare the Church for the joyful celebrations of Easter Day – the Church was full and there was a real sense of ‘new life’ as we baptised 4 children. The one thing lacking ‘life’ was Father Bob’s voice, which just about lasted to the end of the day, although he was ‘speechless’ by Evensong!

Father Bob

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